LED Lenses

I am thinking of trying out some of the VCC LED lenses. I have been looking at a few pedals that use them and they look great. VCC makes a “kit” that looks pretty sweet and Mouser caries them.


Is it wrong that I want to just copy the Fairfield Electronics pedals?


Updated Etching process

I wanted to share my current process for etching a PCB from scratch. Here is a list of supplies I used in this tutorial.

Items I needed:

  • Copper clad board (I use 1oz copper 030 thinkness, This might be to thin by some standards but it works well for me. I like to trim/cut my boards with household scisors.)
  • Laser Printer (HP LaserJet Pro P1102w with ePrint)
  • HP Glossy Presentation Paper (Office Depot/Max $6.99)
  • House hold iron (I use a Black & Decker household cloths iron)
  • Ferric chloride solution (You can get a bottle from Radio Shack that should last for  10-15 smaller PCBs)
  • Plastic containers with lids (Rubbermaid sandwich containers)
  • Drill Press or something of the like

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Faceplate fixed

Here is the latest faceplate I made for my testing rig. As you may know I messed up my last one by reversing my image. Everything was backwards. I’m really happy how this came out and all I have left to do is tin it.


Multiplex update

I am making some good progress on my multiplex. I have sound but the modulation is not working and I found that the foot switch I got for the speed setting is a normally open and I needed normally closed. Oh we’ll, will put it in my next order.

The good news is that all three modes work and sound great.



Tonight’s etch feast

I etched up a few boards tonight.

Left to right

Mid-fi PeaceGun Fuzz
Mid-fi Pitch Pirate
Lovepedal purple plexi 800

The white on the PCBs is what the toner looks like after the etching bath. I leave it on the PCBs to protect the copper until I’m ready to populate the PCB.


4Site Enclosure Sizes

4Site 125B
W 2.6″ X L 4.77″ X H 1.39″

4Site 1032L
W 3.68″ X L 4.67″ X H 1.95″

4Site 1590A
W 1.52″ X L 3.64″ X H 1.06″

4Site 1590B
W 2.34″ X L 4.39″ X H 1.06″

4Site 1590BB
W 3.68″ X L 4.67″ X H 1.18″

4Site 1590BBT
W 3.68″ X L 4.67″ X H 1.95″

4Site 1590DD
W 4.7″ X L 7.38″ X H 1.3″

Whats on my workbench?

I have been asked by a few what things I have at my workbench and I decided to make a page that will be a list of tools and “what nots” that reside on or around my workbench. Most of the stuff I have is used with every project one way or another. There are necessities and also some “nice to have” tools that I have collected over time. I made the mistake when I got started by spending 80% of my start-up money on parts and 20% on tools. If I were to do it all over I would have flipped that percentage. This does not mean that you need to buy all Swiss made hand tools or a $500 soldering station. If you want to get top of the line tools don’t let me stop you, I just found that Harbor Freight $3.99 flush cutters will not hold up as well as a $13.00 Xcelite pair. I am now replacing half of my hand tools with a little better built ones since in a year’s time I have dulled or broke my others.

Take a look at the page here or click on Workbench from the menu at the top of the page.

Take off you knob!

The new knobs are here! The new knobs are here!

There, that’s 2 movie references.


Got some Davies clones here. Some 1510’s and some 1900’s. finally get to finish up some enclosures.