Building my test rig cable

I was asked by a few this morning about the 5 pin DIN cable I made for my test rig. I took some pictures of the process and maybe they can give some others some ideas. It was pretty straight forward.

What’s needed:

  • Alligator test leads
  • 5 Pin DIN connector
  • Shrink tube

Make sure you place the shrink  tubeing and the DIN connector cover on the alligator leads before soldiering on the DIN connector. I have made that mistake a few time… time wasted.


I then soldiered each alligator lead to a pin of the DIN connector.


I then placed the connector shield together and used a bit of painters tape to hold it together before hot glueing it.


Fill the barrel/shied with hot glue and let it setup.


Shrink the tubing and secure the DIN connector


New Testing Rig

My old testing rig was falling apart on me and all I really could do with it was test PCBs before I boxed them up. It was not a good tool for troubleshooting by any means. I would usually have to get my tone generator and my audio probe and troubleshoot a stubborn circuit. Jacob of JMK Effects made a new Testing Rig that solves my headaches by having all the needed troubleshooting/testing tools in one device. His Testing Rig PCB is a perfect addition to any bench for DIY pedal builders.

Here is pictures of my build:


I wanted the in, out, 9V & GND to be detachable so I could use the pedal as just a headphone amp and not worry about the leads shorting out. I also thought it would be nice to have multiple cables made so I could bounce between builds. I also added a BNC connector so I could use a probe from my oscilloscope as an audio probe.



I thought, why paint something that is just going to be a bench utility, so I left it just raw aluminum. I will most likely use stamps to label the switches and knobs.

Pharaoh clone

Got a King Tut PCB from Rully and it just simply sounds great. This is my favorite Big Muff variant to date. This will replace my larger 1590BB clone that I made on a Madbean Mudbunny board I made a few months back.

Etched the enclosure and shot it with some burnt gold metallic. The pictures do not do it justice.

Here is a gut shot


424 Fuzz

This is Madbean’s take on the Mid-fi Demo Tape Fuzz. This is one LOUD fuzz pedal.

Here is the board after I etched it and populated it.


I etched an enclosure for this build





Gut shot


IC1 JRC4558
1 4.4v
2 4.4v
3 4.4v
4 0v
5 4.4v
6 4.4v
7 4.4v
8 8.9v

Paint risers

I was looking for something to sit my enclosures on when I paint so I can paint the bottom edge evenly. It was a trial and error and I never found a working solution. I ran the problem by my father-in-law (MacGyver-in-law) and he came up with a perfect solution for me.

He used some Tie Plates he had on hand and some nuts and bolts and came up with something that I can paint on and transfer right to the oven for drying.
Here are the 1590A ones:



He made me 2 for each standard size (1590A, 1590B and 1590BB)

You can pick up the Tie Plates from Home Depot for under a dollar a piece.

Time to get some paint on them!

The Britannia

This is a great layout made by josh at 1776 Effects and designed by the RunOffGroove people. This is inspired by the Vox AC30 with top-boost and I say it nails it perfectly. I love how you can get the jangly highs with this pedal and it’s low gain breakup.

PCB etch:


Populated and biased:


Etched enclosure:




Gut shot:


Over all I am very happy with this build. Just like the Voxy Brown circuit I built, it’s a bit shrill sounding at times on my Twin Reverb but it does sound excellent on my Bassman.

Information and layout

Buy a PCB from 1776 Effects

Pessimistic Fuzz

I was playing around with a few low part count fuzz pedals and found Marks vero layout of the Monolith Fuzz Oracle and the demos sounded awesome. I used the following transistors in my build.

Q1: AC152 Hfe 114
Q2: AC125 Hfe 306

I decided to go with a “darker” theme on this pedal due to the sounds this thing produces. It gets some great low end and a VERY usable tone knob.

Here is the etched enclosure.

Drilled the enclosure and hit it with some flat black rattle can. I then wet sanded with 1000 git.

Assembled and ready to melt faces.


Gut shot


Engineer SS-02 Solder Sucker

This is actually one of those tools you hope you don’t need to use but when you do it needs to be a quality tool. Desoldering can lead to anger issues quickly. I actually saw this first on a YouTube video from Japan and I thought that not only did it look cool but I loved the silicon tip. I looked around a few places to order one but the EMS shipping was close to the price if the solder sucker. I got an email from Adafruit about new products and it looks like they now carry it. I jumped on the opportunity to snag one.

It’s got a great brushed aluminum body and a red aluminum push end. It feels solid in your hands and does not feel cheap by any means.

It has a heat resistant (up to 350 degrees C / 620 degrees F according to the instructions) silicon tip and it comes with some replacement tubing also.

The plunger is very sturdy and does not feel like it will bend or break easily.

There are 3 major components to this solder sucker. You have the body, tip and spring. It comes apart easily and can be cleaned with ease. Now it’s time for a bench test.

Silicon Fuzz Face Transistors

I was looking at a few transistor sources for a simple Fuzz Face layout I built and came across a nice post over at DIYSB by DragonFly

q1: 2n2369a (hfe 70-90)
q2: 2n3903, 2n3904 (hfe around 100-120)

slightly aggressive….
q1: 2n3903 (hfe 100-120)
q2: 2n3904, 2n2222a, 2n4401, bc108 (hfe 140-200)

q1: bc108 (hfe160-200)
q2: bc108, bc109, 2n5088 (hfe 200-350)

over the top….
q1: bc108 (hfe 180-220)
q2: bc109c, 2n5089, mpsa18 (hfe 400-500)


q1: 2n5088, 2n5089, bc109, mpsa18
q2: 2n5089, mpsa18
also…for a nice “all-arounder”, 2n3903’s work well in both q1 AND q2 ….

Looking in to others also but I wanted to get this down to archive it.

1/8 watt China Madness!


Just got these in today. Took a whopping 1.5 weeks (which is not to bad from China to the US) to get them but it was well worth it. I was tired of the expensive prices of 1/8 watt resistors from Mouse. I found a seller on eBay from China that had a bulk of 97 values and 50 each. That’s a total 4850 pieces. I got all this for $30 and free shipping. Time to test and sort and to move up some mini builds to the top of the build list.