I have quite a few builds in the works but none that are complete. I hit a wall with 2 builds since I had problems with my builds and need to troubleshoot. I wanted to list out a few builds I have finished and need to box up in the next few weeks to help me prioritize them.
To be boxed:
Twin Peaks Tap Tempo Harmonic Tremolo – This is Drolo’s taptempo (TAPLFO based) tremolo pedal. I love this thing and it has been siting on my test rig way to long now. I need to get this boxed up ASAP and attached to my board. More info at Madbean or on his blog.
8-Ball – This is Madbean’s modded Blues Breaker and it sounds great. I had a modded BB I did on a PCB from JMK and never really got attached to it but the 8-ball may have brought some new life in the Blues Breaker. You can grab a PCB here.
Mudbunny – I built this Madbean Big Muff variant to Russian Green specs and love the sound of it but never seem to remember to box it up. I used some unmarked NOS button top transistors that just sound great in this thing. You can get a PCB here.
Ultra Stoner – I have built 2 of these and love both of them. I am thinking of doing a 2 in 1 with them and make one a lower gain into a full gain one… hmm… You can get a PCB here.
Machette – Ugly Face with LFO, this is a crazy effect and deserves a crazy enclosure. I am working on a few etching ideas for this. You can grab a PCB from here.
Need to finish populating:
- Sparklehorn
- The Beast
- Rub-A-Dub Deluxe!
- 4 knob compressor
There are more that could be on this list but this is all I really have on my mind at the moment.