shin-ei companion fuzz fy-2 clone

I want to build one but it has to have the tone pot mod. I love the sound of it and I just need to figure out a good PCB for it. I might have to trace a vero one to make a PCB. Hmm.. Here are some notes I found.

LaoWiz says:

The middle knob is a 5k pot to vary the mid scoop filter on the end of the circuit. When the scoop is omitted (knob all the way up), a lot of the volume loss from the scoop is regained. Still, I would like it a touch louder. What I have found is that 3904s and any other plastic case transistor sounded like s**t in here. I used BC109B and BC108B for Q1 and Q2. Sounds WAY better IMO. More buzzy. I am currently building two for a couple of friends but am adding the boost on the end of the circuit. But instead of using a 3904, I am using a metal case 2222A. Again, sounds way better. I also tested out different capacitor types. I used ceramics for the most part and some vintage caps from my local surplus store for the 1000, 2000, and 3000pf spots.

I will work on a PCB layout and get back to this post.

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