Electro-Harmonix Company History in a nutshell
This is a “work in progress” but it gives you a good idea what was going on in the history of Electro-Harmonix
- 1968
- Mike Matthews founded Electro-Harmonix in New York.
- First product Axis fuzz introduced, essentially the same unit as the Foxey Lady pedal he sold to Guild.
- LPB-1 Linear Power Booster introduced at NAMM.
- 1978
- Mike Matthews named New York State Small Business Person of the Year.
- Plastic, Moulders’ and Novelty Worker’s to setup a Union but Mike and employees refused.
- 1979
- Electro-Harmonix grossed annual sales of 5 million dollars.
- 1981
- Mike Matthews attacked by Union officials.
- 1982
- Pedal: 16-second digital delay created.
- Due to Union problems Mike closed the doors of Electro-Harmonix and filed bankruptcy
- Mike Matthews started buying back his assets from auction to resurrect Electro-Harmonix.
- 1984
- Electro-Harmonix went bankrupt for the second time due to Japanese competition.
- Pedals were sold through Broadway Computer Corporation.
- 1986
- Broadway Computer Corporation was out of business.
- Mike Matthews regained ownership of the Electro-Harmonix trademark.
- 1988
- Mike Matthews starts new company New Sensor Corporation.
- New Sensor Corporation a supplier of vacuum tubes and the Soul Kiss pedal.
- 1990
- Pedals were started to be made in Russia un the name Sovtek/New Sensor Corp.
- 2001
- Mike Mathews brings reissues of Electro-Harmonix pedals back to the USA.
- 2002
- Electro-Harmonix started developing new pedals in New York.
- 2006
- Electro-Harmonix introduces the XO and NANO series. These pedals use surfaced mounted parts and the PCBs are outsourced and assembled in NY.