8 knob madness
This is a Aion Flare which is a modded Fuzz Factory. This pedal is one of the most loved/hated fuzz pedals from great smooth sounding fuzz to very velcro/gated sounding fuzz to straight up broken/non-working fuzz. I don’t know why I even bothered to label the knobs since they really don’t matter a whole lot. Its more of a “tweak and play” kind of fuzz. I usually find settings I like while knob twiddling and then take a picture with my phone to remind me of the settings.
I used a couple AC 128 transistors in this build but I am still swapping around until I find the best ones.
I did a reverse etch, which is hard to capture on camera but I think it turned out great.
If you want to pick up one of these PCBs head over to Aion Electronics.