Rullywow’s Griddlecake


This was a quick little build on Rullywow‘s new single sided layout based on the Crowther Audio Hotcake with the “Bluesberry” mod. You can find this layout on Madbeans Forums. There is a lot of talk whether or not the Bluesberry mod actually does anything. The Crowther Audio Hotcake is known for the fizzy note decay on most super clean (Fender Twin) amps. There are a lot of VOX amp fans that swear by this OD and it works so well with a already dirty clean tone. The fizzyness is less noticeable on a already broken up or on the edge of breaking up amp. The Bluesberry mod does NOT remove the fizzy note decay, but it smooths out the tail of it a bit and makes it manageable in my opinion. I was able to crank up my Fender Princeton Reverb custom and it sounded absolutely fantastic. This will be boxed up for sure.

Build Doc


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