Colorsound Jumbo Tonebender Clone

I have had a PCB by 1776Effects called Sucker Punch kicking around the bench for a few months. I was between builds and decided to populate it and see how it sounds. I was really blown away by its sound. With some searching around I found that the Jumbo Tonebender is based on the Big Muff Pi but with 3 transistors and not the 4 that the Big Muff has. It definitely has it’s own sound and at low-gain settings it sounds great as it has a really nice “stoner rock / psychedelic rock” sound.

I etched a enclosure and shot it with some purple metallic paint.


After boxing up the effect.



Not to happy with the way the 3PDT switch daughter board came out. My soldering looks terrible on it. I was out of my fluxed larger gauge soldier and I had to be careful not to melt the switch when soldiering the PCB to the switch. I may redo it in time.



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