Flexi-Muff by DutchMF

I got myself yet another Electro-Harmonix big muff variant PCB this week. User DutchMF from Madbean Forums has made a flexible Big Muff layout to achieve as many mods as possible on one board. Here are some notes from DuchMF.

I’ve been working with Eagle for quite a while now, but never made anything that I thought would be of any use to you guys…. Until now!! Taking JuanSolo’s Muff spreadsheet as my starting point, and with a lot of looking at the Mudbunny schematic and several online resources, I’ve designed a pcb that allows one to build all the Muff version from Juan’s spreadsheet without any off-board or added on components. You can build either a 3 or 4 knob version, with options for a 3-in-line or a triangle layout by setting a pair of jumpers.

Board came in last week and now I have to decide what to build on it. I am thinking a Supercollider or another pharaoh. Not to sure yet.

photo 1


Here are the build docs

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