Black Arts LSTR

-This is unverified – Hope to verify it this weekend.

There are some hard working people at Madbean forum that have been working on a great spreadsheet with a bunch of Big Muff variants on it. I wanted to contribute is some way and I found that no one has picked apart the LSTR for the list.

There was a schematic that was posted in FSB forums.

Mark over at Tagboard Effects made a vero layout for it.

Since we at the Madbean forums use the Mudbunny PCB as a primer, I have matched the parts from both the FSB schematic and the Mudbunny and this is what I came up with.

Madbean Mudbunny Build Doc

This is the BOM for the Black Arts LSTR built on a Mudbunny PCB.

Resistors Capacitors Diodes
R1 1M C1 100n D1 – D4 1N914
R2 39K C2 560p D5 1N4001
R3 100K C3 100n
R4 470K C4 100n Transistors
R5 100R C5 560p Q1-Q4 MPSA12
R6 15K C6 100n
R7 1K C7 100n Pots
R8 15K C8 560p SUS 100KA
R9 100K C9 100n TONE 250KB
R10 470K C10 1n MID 50KB
R11 100R C11 10n VOL 100KA
R12 15K C12 100n
R13 15K C13 100n
R14 100K C14 100uF
R15 470K C15 100n
R16 100R
R17 15K
R18 68K
R20 470K
R21 100K
R22 15K
R23 1K2
R24 100R

Excel Spreadsheet inĀ juansolo’s format

Update: populated the Mudbunny this weekend but I need to do the off board wiring. I hope to work on this tonight.



photo 2


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