This is a proto from David over at effectslayouts blog. I was needing a Rat for a multi build I am working on and it was perfect timing for him to ask me to build it. Whats cool about this Rat layout is that it supports 4 different Rats (Rat, Rat2, Turbo Rat & You Dirty Rat). I went with the classic original Rat for this build.
Here is 2 of the Rats etched and ready to go.
I could not decide on what clipping I wanted to use so I went with all of them. I used a mini 2p4t switch and just used one half of it for the clipping selector. This switches between pairs of 1N914, 1N4148, 3mm Red LEDs & 1N34a in a symmetrical configuration.
I went with a LM308AM IC in a cool metal can… why? cause I had them on hand. In this picture you can see the little copper halo I made for the clipping switch. It looks like a mess but it works great. I still need to trim the legs on the IC before it’s mounted in an enclosure.