My old testing rig was falling apart on me and all I really could do with it was test PCBs before I boxed them up. It was not a good tool for troubleshooting by any means. I would usually have to get my tone generator and my audio probe and troubleshoot a stubborn circuit. Jacob of JMK Effects made a new Testing Rig that solves my headaches by having all the needed troubleshooting/testing tools in one device. His Testing Rig PCB is a perfect addition to any bench for DIY pedal builders.
Here is pictures of my build:
I wanted the in, out, 9V & GND to be detachable so I could use the pedal as just a headphone amp and not worry about the leads shorting out. I also thought it would be nice to have multiple cables made so I could bounce between builds. I also added a BNC connector so I could use a probe from my oscilloscope as an audio probe.
I thought, why paint something that is just going to be a bench utility, so I left it just raw aluminum. I will most likely use stamps to label the switches and knobs.